Festival Schedule
Thursday, June 26th (Artists Only)
10:00 AM-9:00 PM
5:00 - 6:00 PM
Chalk It Up (Artists Only)
Advanced Chalk Art Class
Festival Begins! This day is for our artists to get a head start on their pieces.
Advanced chalk art class, *for our registered chalk artists only!
Friday, June 27th
10:00 AM-9:00 PM
12:00 PM-9:00 PM
Chalk It Up
Vendors & Food Trucks
Artists are well underwayheck out the progress!
Vending from local artisans & businesses, yummy food and drinks, and a variety of live performances!
Beginners Chalk Art Class
Free class on beginner chalk art materials, colors, and techniques. Open to the public, all materials provided.
Saturday, June 28th
10:00 AM-9:00 PM
12:00 PM-9:00 PM
Chalk It Up
Vendors & Food Trucks
Come enjoy the finished masterpieces and cast your vote for People's Choice!
Vending from local artisans & businesses, yummy food and drinks, and a variety of live performances!
Our panel of judges will score the artwork.
Festival Rules
1. Artists will have up to 36 sq. ft. for their artwork. Vignettes are acceptable for judging.
2. Chalk art is only to be produced in designated and assigned areas.
3. The art created must be suitable for public and family viewing (no nude or obscene work). No words or symbols intended as political statements may appear within the art.
4. Harrington Center for the Arts reserves the right to refuse, stop or eliminate objectionable material. Harrington Center for the Arts opinion will be final. If artists have questions about their art, it is recommended that they produce a conceptual copy of their art for approval prior to the event.
5. Please respect the other artists who are working near you. Do not walk on their pieces or have open beverage containers which could spill and destroy someone’s artwork.
6. Please try to keep your supplies to a minimum and well contained by your space.
7. The event will go on rain or shine. The artists are responsible for protecting their chalk art. Plastic drapes, tape, umbrellas can be used as needed.
8. Participants agree to allow Harrington Center for the Arts to photograph and video record the event, artist designs and artists for promotional and archival purposes.
9. No boom boxes allowed. You may wear portable headsets.
10. No pets, please!
11. Your chalk art must only include water based chalk. No paint, ink, crayon, fixatives, oil based chalk allowed. Water based tempura is allowed.
12. Chalk It Up is a smoke free event.
13. Original art is encouraged, but if replicating the work of another artist please give credit.
14. Stenciling is not allowed in the competition. Artists may use grids and reference photos to create their artwork.